001 : Eleglove

#userinterface | #modeling | #productdesign | #visualdesign | #prototyping

This was a solo project completed for an Ideation and Prototyping class. It is a panoptic device that allows humans to interact with each other, track health, entertain themselves, and get access to all the information they desire and need.

October 2021 - December 2021


Imagine our civilization at least 20 years from now. Things have either collapsed beyond repair (yes, I know it may seem like we're already there, but "stretch" to think even worst case scenarios) or life has become a harmonious dream, or something in between those two extremes. Whatever the future holds, in this future, things are very different than they are now. Through some crazy combination of wormholes and string theory, you have the opportunity to create a piece of information that will be sent back to the current population, that shines a light on this future. The future I imagined is:

Thirty years from now, we live in a world where social media no longer exists, at least in the way we use it today. Smartphones and smart home devices have somehow merged to form a new way of life where technology dictates how humans live and the government has control over that technology.

The Device

Technology tracks every move and has merged with the human body...humans now use the Eleglove and have a choice when they turn 15 to get it attached to their body. It is a glove that can be switched on and off when turning the bracelet that is permanently attached to the human body. The controls of the phone are on the hand, the screen comes above the hand as a holographic screen being projected from the palm of the hand.


    Four in ten Americans credit technology for improving their lives
    Smartphones have been updating with features that are getting more and more invasive
    Smart home technology has been collecting more data recently
    Nearly 70% of Americans think that having the latest tech is completely necessary to living
    People are becoming dependent on their phones for every aspect of their lives


Low fi prototype: Clay model to display the design of the glove and what the buttons and features would look like.

Simple 360 view of the device:

Final Prototype After Feedback Form

After conducting surveys to get feedback and to learn more about the needs of users and how this device could be better curated in a world where everything has fully turned technological, this was the final design made:

Get access to all your personal needs. Get an accessible experience for all. Connect with the world around. All from the palm of your hands, literally.